Many achieve personal success in their jobs. Many get promoted into different and more challenging roles. And there are many who don’t find success or get promoted.
If you wish to grow in your career, it is important to demonstrate professional curiosity and an interest in the success of the company. By showing an interest in the business and how it works, why it works, and how our stakeholders benefit from our success can provide you with not only a clearer understanding of how to do your job, but more importantly the motivation to do your job better.
Understanding sends a message to management, learning sends a message to management, while not understanding and not learning also send a message to management. If you truly want to succeed and advance you must demonstrate professional curiosity. In so doing, your value as an employee will grow. Your opinion will be taken more seriously. Your input will be more valuable. Isn’t that what we all want?
Take a moment to consider how hard you work to become more knowledgeable about the business you are in and how it works, then decide if you can learn more.
I personally have much more to learn than what I know now, and maybe you do too. Professional curiosity is an invaluable personal trait to possess and exercise to achieve success.
Stanley C. Middleman
CEO President
Freedom Mortgage Corporation