Interest rates have been fluctuating and it’s definitely higher than a mere few months ago. And it seems, interest rates will rise some more due to the war in Ukraine, which has also turned the market upside down. We are living in a time of uncertainty, but what is certain is change and we need to find opportunities and seize them.
Here in the U.S., we are blessed to be able to carry on with our daily lives, as we should. So don’t put off doing the things you really want to do. If you’ve set goals continue to work towards accomplishing them. If one such goal is to buy a house, you can still lock in a good rate. Working with a loan advisor with experience is key as they can find the right mortgage solution that fits your budget.
If you’ve already accomplished your goals – congratulations! Now set new goals and don’t forget to go big – one where you will need to stretch to obtain them. The reality is we each have plenty of control over our daily lives, including the decisions we make to work on the things that matter to us.
Stanley C. Middleman
CEO President
Freedom Mortgage Corporation