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Reach Higher

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!

Posted on Jan 11, 2024, 2:17:20 PM GMT

Now is the time to reach higher. The new year is upon us and now is the perfect time to recalibrate so you can be on track to accomplish the many things you really want. If you are ready to go, I commend you.

At the start of the new year, I'm ready to take the bold actions necessary to move ahead. Additionally, I like to raise the bar so my team and I are all stretching to drive greater returns. I believe we can all do better, and it comes down to whether or not we choose to do so (read that last part again … it's all in our control!) By setting the bar higher I'm energizing myself and my team to do and think more aggressively.

If you are not quite ready to go, get started now. Prepare by quantifying what your goals are, then work out step by step exactly what you need to do to achieve them. It is important to convert the words to quantifiable actions with time frames, so you know what and when action needs to be taken. Then it stops being a question of "what" and becomes a question of "how long" it will take to achieve your outcomes. The most important thing is to take these actions—the steps you outlined—on a systematic basis to achieve your goal. Don't forget to reassess from time to time to make sure you are achieving what you have set out to do. You can read more here to get my four-step approach to success.

I hope you achieve all you want and more this year!

Stanley C. Middleman
CEO President
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

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Obtaining your goals

Outcomes being pursued can vary widely depending on the individual and each demand their own tactics.

Are You Motivated?

You can start anything at any point in time, you just need to take action.

Are You Achieving Your Goals?

How does one achieve? It starts with you. If you don’t believe in you, who will?